Service dahareun
The Food Service Department is looking forward to the 2024-2025 school year and continuing its mission to provide the students in our community with nutritious and delicious meals. The monthly breakfast, lunch and snack menus are reviewed by multiple members of the Food Service team including our Registered Dietitian to ensure that we are providing the proper nutrients, calories and a variety of fruits and vegetables. All of the menu items provided follow the USDA federal guidelines of the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. Under these regulations, our program provides the required components including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, and lean protein. All food items are whole grain and fiber rich, lower in sodium and saturated fat. Our district is part of the Community Eligibility Provision, under which all students receive a reimbursable breakfast, lunch and snack free of charge.
Kanggo inpormasi ngeunaan Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 atanapi inpormasi gizi anjeun tiasa nganjang ka halaman wéb USDA di
Utica Food Service Eupan Balik
Utica City School Food Service kerja keras pikeun ngalayanan tuangeun anu lezat, bergizi sareng ramah-nak ka murid di kacamatan kami, tapi urang hoyong terang kumaha urang tiasa ngalakukeun anu langkung saé! Mangga nyandak sababaraha menit pikeun ngeusian kaluar survéy ieu sareng ngalebetkeun resep sayur paporit Anjeun pikeun kasempetan nu resep Anjeun diulas dina menu dahar beurang Utica CSD urang!
Siswa, kolot/wali, dosen sareng staf sadayana wilujeng sumping pikeun ngalengkepan survey ieu.
Penyediaan Kelayakan Komunitas (CEP)
Kacamatan parantos disatujuan pikeun Penyediaan Kelayakan Komunitas (CEP).
Ieu ngandung harti yén unggal murid tiasa nampi sarapan gratis sareng tuang siang gratis.
Ngumumkeun kasadiaan Bentuk mySchoolBucks
Hayley Mielnicki
Diréktur Service Dahareun
(315) 368-6858
Anthony Famolaro
Asisten Diréktur Service Dahareun
(315) 368-6831
Jeff Daniels
Asisten Diréktur dahar beurang
(315) 368-6821
Pengawas Jasa Pangan
Haylee Dussault
Registered Dietitian
(315) 223-6068
Elizabeth Leone-Normat
Juru tulis
(315) 368-6822
Michael Ferraro
Kapala Operasi Officer
(315) 792-2231 [kantor]
(315) 792-2260 [fax]