Juni 2024


Kaping Acara
04-06-2024 (Salasa) Ujian Bupati [SMA Proctor]
Ujian Bupati [SMA Proctor]
District-Wide 5th & 6th Grade Track Meet [Proctor High School] — 9:00 am - 11:30 am
05-06-2024 (Rebo) Board of Education Special Meeting [Proctor High School] — 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
06-06-2024 (Kam) Upacara Penghargaan Taunan [Proctor High School] — 18:00 - 20:00
07-06-2024 (Jum) Bal senior [Proctor Menengah] - 18:30 - 10:30
10-06-2024 (Sén) Board of Education Special Meeting [Proctor High School] — 12:00 pm - 5:30 pm
11-06-2024 (Salasa) Shavout Dimimitian [Proctor High School]
Board of Education Special Meeting [Proctor High School] — 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
12-06-2024 (Rebo) Bengkel Atikan Kolot Bulanan - Gimnasium Albany [Proctor High School] — 16:00 - 18:00
13-06-2024 (Kam) Half Day In-Service (Elementary Only) [Proctor High School]
Shavout Ends [Proctor High School]
Board of Education Special Meeting [Proctor High School] — 4:00 pm - 9:30 pm
14-06-2024 (Jum) Ujian Bupati [Proctor High School]
Ujian Bupati [SMA Proctor]
Poé Bandéra [Proctor High School]
16-06-2024 (Minggu) Poé Bapa [Proctor High School]
18-06-2024 (Salasa) Ujian Bupati [SMA Proctor]
Half Day In-Service (Elementary Only) [Proctor High School]
Ujian Bupati [Proctor High School]
Board of Education Special Meeting [Proctor High School] — 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Board of Education Special Meeting / Public Hearing [Proctor High School] — 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Rapat Rutin Dinas Pendidikan [SMA Proctor] — 19.00 - 21.00
19-06-2024 (Rebo) Teu aya sakola [Proctor High School]
Juneteenth [Proctor High School]
Juneteenth (Teu Sakola) [Proctor High School]
20-06-2024 (Kam) Ujian Bupati [Proctor High School]
Ujian Bupati [SMA Proctor]
Poé mimiti usum panas [Proctor High School]
Board of Education Special Meeting [Proctor High School] — 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
21-06-2024 (Jum) Ujian Bupati [SMA Proctor]
Ujian Bupati [Proctor High School]
Piknik senior [Proctor High School] — 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm
24-06-2024 (Sén) Ujian Bupati [SMA Proctor]
Ujian Bupati [Proctor High School]
25-06-2024 (Salasa) Ujian Bupati [SMA Proctor]
Ujian Bupati [Proctor High School]
26-06-2024 (Rebo) Poé Peunteun Bupati [Proctor High School]
Poé Panungtungan pikeun Sadaya Murid [Proctor High School]
Ujian Bupati [SMA Proctor]
Ujian Bupati [Proctor High School]
Poé Panungtungan pikeun Murid [Proctor High School]
27-06-2024 (Kam) Poé Panungtungan pikeun Guru [Proctor High School]
Poé Panungtungan pikeun Guru [Proctor High School] — 8:00 am - 8:30 am
28-06-2024 (Jum) Kalulusan SMA [Proctor High School] — 16:00 - 19:00
Kalulusan SMA [Proctor High School] — 16:00 - 19:00